Modified Base App on Docker

How to get started with modifying the Base Application using Docker

Many partners are still focused on doing custom development for their customers with their one-off implementations. MANY of those customers are existing customers with existing NAV systems with existing customized objects. As much as everyone wants to go to extensions only, and most partners see the need and are more than willing to make the necessary changes, the reality is that many of these existing customers do not want to pay for migrating all of their custom modifications. This reality comes with the need to modify the base app. Since C/SIDE is no longer available, the only way to do this is to use VSCode. This post will explain how you can create a Docker container, and use that container to do modifications on the Base Application.

To get started, click here to read the article on I say ‘get started’ because it was not enough to get me all the way there, which is the reason why I wrote this post. This article seems to have been written for an actual installation from the product DVD, and there were some additional things you need to know to make it all work if you want to use Docker. At least, that is per the date of this post, because things may change :). I’ll try to revisit this post if it does change.

Alright, so to make this work, you need a few things:

  • A Docker container that is based on the latest Business Central Docker image.
  • Configure the Service Tier in the container
  • Extract the objects from the container into a new AL workspace
  • Uninstall and Unpublish the Base Application and its dependencies

Create a new Container

For Business Central development I always use the NavContainerHelper module, so before you use any of the commands in this post, update your module:

Update-Module navcontainerhelper

To get the latest Docker image for Business Central I will be using the ‘’ image. You can leave the ‘ltsc2019’ part out if you are not sure about the host OS or if you are on Windows Server 2016. You can substitute ‘na’ for your own localization, or leave that tag out altogether if you want to be on the W1 version. To read about which image to use, visit Freddy’s blog here and follow the links to what you need to know. Here is the script that I used to create my container:

$imageName = ''
$licenseFile = '<path to your BC 15 developer license>.flf'
$ContainerName = 'mysandbox'
$UserName = 'admin'
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Navision4ever!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($UserName, $Password)

New-NavContainer `
    -accept_eula `
    -containerName $ContainerName `
    -imageName $imageName `
    -licenseFile $licenseFile `
    -auth NavUserPassword `
    -alwaysPull `
    -Credential $Credential `
    -includeAL `
    -updateHosts `
    -additionalParameters @("-e customNavSettings=ExtensionAllowedTargetLevel=OnPrem")

I use the ‘-alwaysPull’ switch to make sure that I always have the latest version of the Docker image. The ‘-includeAL’ switch is necessary to include references to the DotNet assemblies in the Docker container. The ‘-additionalParameters’ switch (h/t @tobiasfenster) is used to set the ExtensionAllowedTargetLevel property to ‘OnPrem’. I’ll explain how to set this with a simple PowerShell Cmdlet in a minute.

One more important switch is the ‘-useCleanDatabase’ switch, which can be used to uninstall and unpublish the Base Application and its dependencies, as I will discuss in a little bit. At this point, you have a vanilla Docker container with the latest on premises version of Business Central.

Configure the Service Tier

As the Doc states, there are three things you need to set. It is not very clear exactly how to do that, and not at all how that works on Docker, so let me just explain from scratch.

First, you need to know how to look at, and modify, the Service Tier settings inside the container. Some of these types of commands are available in the navcontainerhelper module, but some of them are not. I did find a Cmdlet to see the settings, but I could not find one to actually modify them. So, to cover all of it, I will show you how you can connect to the container and run regular BC PowerShell Cmdlets from inside the container.

Open a PowerShell ISE window as administrator, and run the commands in the screenshot

Our container name is ‘mysandbox’, and you connect to it by using the ‘Enter-BCContainer’ Cmdlet. You can see how the prompt changes to show you that you are inside the container. At this stage, the navcontainerhelper does not work, so you will have to use the regular BC PowerShell Cmdlets. The next Cmdlet shows you all the properties of the Service Tier that runs inside your container, which in this version of Business Central is called ‘BC’.

According to the Doc, the following settings are important. I am using the names that are used in PowerShell rather than the names in the Doc.

  • ExtensionAllowedTargetLevel should be set to ‘OnPrem’, although it seems that the value ‘Internal’ also works.
  • DeveloperServicesEnabled should be set to true. This should be the default value of this particular setting
  • There is also a mention of the EnableSymbolLoadingAtServerStartup property in the Doc, but I’ve received confirmation (h/t @freddydk) that this property was meant for hybrid C/AL and AL environments, so that is not needed anymore for BC 2019 wave 2

To modify these settings, use the following PowerShell command

Set-NAVServerConfiguration `
      -ServerInstance BC `
      -KeyName ExtensionAllowedTargetLevel `
      -KeyValue OnPrem

After modifying those settings, restart the service tier using the ‘Restart-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance BC’ command. At that point, the service tier in your container should be configured for doing on premises development. The next thing you need to do is get the application objects out of the container.

Create AL Workspace from Base App

This step is easy, using a navcontainerhelper Cmdlet, so you need to first exit the container (type ‘exit’ and then enter). Then, run this Cmdlet:

$ContainerName = 'mysandbox'
$UserName = 'admin'
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'Navision4ever!' -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($UserName, $Password)

Create-AlProjectFolderFromBcContainer `
    -containerName $ContainerName `
    -alProjectFolder 'C:\MyProjects\BaseApp' `
    -useBaseAppProperties `
    -credential $Credential 

One thing to note here is that the ‘-useBaseAppProperties’ switch uses the properties from the container. You will end up with a fully functioning AL workspace, with an app.json and launch.json that is configured to look inside the container for the objects and the DotNet probing path. You will need to configure this yourself if your configuration needs to be different. But, since we’re making this work for a standard container, we’re going to use the standard configuration as well.

One other important thing to note…. As I am writing this post, I’ve had a persistent error message that prevented me from compiling the app, which I narrowed down to having to remove the translation files. The annoying part is that the error message itself does not mention the translation files, but it started working again after I removed them. In your new BaseApp folder, there is a folder called ‘Translations’. Remove all files from that folder, except the ‘*.g.xlf’ file.

Update 2019/11/27 follow up on the translation file issue

One final thing to note is that this is just a simple AL workspace. In a real life situation, you are doing this for a particular customer, so you need to think about source control, workspace settings, things like that. There are some capabilities in the Cmdlet, so take a look here to see all the available parameters of the Cmdlet.

The last thing you will need is to download the symbols for the system apps from the container. The Doc also mentions adding the assemblyProbingPaths to the workspace settings, but if you used the ‘-useBaseAppProperties’ switch, that is already taken care of for you and the setting will point to one of the container’s shared folders.

Uninstall / Unpublish Base App

In the previous step, you’ve created an AL workspace with all of the objects from the Base Application. Now, your container already has a Base App, so in order to create a modified Base App, you will have to get rid of the standard one first. You can be a PowerShell warrior and run the Cmdlets in this section, or you can also use the ‘-useCleanDatabase’ switch in the New-BCContainer Cmdlet in the first section. This will remove the Base App and all its dependencies from your container right away.

On to the PowerShell… In the Doc, under bullet 11, you will find the functions to accomplish this. These are regular NAV PowerShell Cmdlets, so you will need to enter the container first:

function UnpublishAppAndDependencies($ServerInstance, $ApplicationName)
     Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance $ServerInstance | Where-Object { 
    # If the dependencies of this extension include the application that we want to unpublish, it means we have to unpublish this application first.
    (Get-NavAppInfo -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Name $_.Name).Dependencies | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ApplicationName}
 } | ForEach-Object {
    UnpublishAppAndDependencies $ServerInstance $_.Name

 Unpublish-NavApp -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Name $ApplicationName

function UninstallAndUnpublish($ServerInstance, $ApplicationName)
    Uninstall-NavApp -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Name $ApplicationName -Force
    UnpublishAppAndDependencies $ServerInstance  $ApplicationName


This loads the functions into memory, and then you can run the script:

UninstallAndUnpublish -ServerInstance BC -ApplicationName "Base Application"

This will completely remove the Base App and its dependencies.

Ready to Start Developing

That’s it, you should now be ready to start your development. See how that works. Add a field to a table, add that field to its Card page and hit Ctrl+F5. It will probably take a while to compile, but you should see your new field on the page.

Now I do need to say that I completely and wholeheartedly agree with the entire community, and code customizations should really not be done anymore. All development should be done using extensions instead of change the Base App itself. It makes everyone’s life a lot easier if you minimize the amount of development done to the Base App, so even if you have no other choice, try to design the development in such a way that most of it is in an extension, and only modify the Base App for the parts that you can’t figure out how to do in an extension.

Update 2019/11/27: created a GitHub repo with the scripts

My Take on Using Docker

This past week, there was another post by my good friend Arend-Jan Kauffmann about using Docker directly on Windows 10 (what are you still doing here? Go read AJ’s post!). He had previously written about using Docker in a Hyper-V VM, and he has helped me understand how this all works a number of times. Just to be sure I mention this here, you can read all about the technical details on Tobias Fenster’s blog but that goes over my head very quickly.

The reason why I am writing this is because I am very reluctant to make the step to install Docker directly on my laptop. What works for me at the moment is where I have Hyper-V enabled on my laptop, and I have a VM with just Windows Server 2016 (creating one with Windows Server 2019 is very high on the todo list). My Docker is installed in a snapshot of that VM, and that is where I do all of my development work. I wrote about this before, read it here.

See… I am the king of screwing up my computer. If there is anything, ANYTHING, that will mess up my computer and render it absolutely useless, I WILL find it, and I will kill my computer (I am hearing that in Liam Neeson’s voice by the way). I have had to re-install my laptop so many times because of things that went wrong. When I have a problem like this in my VM, I don’t even spend any time trying to figure out what went wrong (that gives me a headache just thinking about it). All I need to do is delete the snapshot, create a new one, and I’m back up in a matter of minutes. All my dev work is in repos that I sync regularly, so I never have to worry about losing any work.

I’ve read about Docker straight on Windows 10, and it sounds very nice and easy to use. At the same time, I read blog posts and even Tweets that mention damage to the host OS from normal Docker operations, and I just KNOW that if I try it will happen to me. My reluctance to use Docker on Windows 10 directly does not come from wanting to stay in the past, but it is more from the knowledge that I’m going to screw up my computer.

Maybe I’m too cautious, but for now I will stick to my setup and continue to use Docker inside a VM. It works for me, and for now that’s good enough.

Docs on GitHub

Maybe you remember, last year I wrote about signing an App Package file, but that post was really about how I got to collaborate with someone at Microsoft, and one of the things we did was improve the online documentation for this topic.

At the time, I had noticed that there was a feedback button on each page in Docs, and underneath the feedback button it said something like ‘feedback is linked to GitHub Issues’, which led me to wonder if we’d ever see Docs in a repo that we could actually contribute to.

Now today, through a tweet by one of the managers at Microsoft, there was a link to a blog post about that very topic: here it is.

Just think how great this is! Not only do we get access to the source files of the actual documentation, we have a mechanism to contribute to the content. If you ever find yourself confused by any of the documentation, you can either leave your feedback on Docs, or you can make a change and submit a pull request to the repo itself! Either way, the actual system that is used to maintain the docs source files is also used to track issues, and you can create issues yourself in that very system!

This is what we call a BFD 🙂

NAV Techdays 2018 Recap

I started to write this post while flying across the Atlantic Ocean on the second of a three leg journey home, a BA flight from London to Phoenix. It has been a very long trip that started when I traveled to Holland for Directions EMEA in Den Haag at the end of October. Since Directions and NAV Techdays were relatively close together, I decided to just stay with my family in Holland for those 4 weeks rather than fly back and forth twice in less than a month. This has been the longest that I’ve ever been away from home, and I was SO ready to be back in my own house.

NAV Techdays ended last Friday, and it’s been another fantastic week, as we’ve come to expect. As far as I can tell, the attendees in my pre-conference workshop were happy with the content, I can’t wait to get the feedback and see what I can improve for next time.

As per usual, Luc has posted the videos in record time, less than a week after the event. The whole playlist can be found here, and I wanted to highlight some of my favorite sessions. One of the most important developments in current technology is machine learning and AI. Dmitry Katson and Steven Renders put together an awesome session to introduce machine learning to us. The award for most entertaining session goes to Waldo and Vjeko, who put on a concert and wowed the audience with some really cool content. I also want to point out the session about CI/CD, which is going to be one of the most important things for everyone that is serious about implementing a professional development practice. Of course, I have to also mention the Docker session, which is the technology that makes it all possible.

Furtunately, next year’s event is not scheduled on Thanksgiving, which is a national holiday here in the US, one that typically involves lots of friends and family, and lots of food. I’ve had to miss it the past couple of years, and each time I’ve been bummed to hear the stories of all the great meals and gatherings that my family got to have without me. Next year I’ll be home for Turkey Day!

Thanks for another super event, it’s one of my favorite weeks of the year.

Directions 2018 Recap

Today’s the last day of Directions EMEA 2018, which was in Den Haag in The Netherlands. This is the town where I was born, and since I haven’t lived in Holland for almost 20 years, it was kind of strange to be here on a business trip. The event was hosted in the World Forum, which used to be called ‘Het Congres Gebouw’ which translates to ‘The Conference Building’. I had never been there for any conference, but it used to also be the home of the famous North Sea Jazz Festival.

My contribution to both events (I did the same workshop and sessions for Directions in San Diego as well as Den Haag) were:

  • An all day workshop to introduce C/SIDE developers to extensions and VSCode. There was a great buzz around the room at both events. Last year there was a bit of anger about the direction of NAV, but now that is settled, I saw a lot of excitement about the new environment, and everyone was eager to learn new things.
  • App Source Test Drive. In San Diego I was a co-presenter with Mike Glue, one of my fellow MVPs, who has developed the only Test Drive experience that is currently in AppSource. He could not make it to Holland, so I did this session by myself in Den Haag.
  • Source Code Management. I was surprised at how busy this session was, there was pretty much a full at both events, and the audience in Den Haag even posed for the picture in this post, which was a lot of fun to do with them.

Other than being very busy with my own workshops and sessions, I was able to attend some sessions myself. The ones that I will remember most, and that I will want to learn much more about was the session about Machine Learning, and the session about CI/CD for Business Central development. Especially the latter one will be important, because if we want to do repeatable software on a bigger scale, we will need, we MUST, learn how to be more professional. The days of flying by the seat of your pants as a partner are over, we must all adapt and become the professionals that we’ve pretended to be for so many years.

During my sessions and workshops I asked almost every staff member who looks old enough to remember if they knew anything about the history of the rooms. I would have loved to be able to say that I shared a stage with some of the greats of jazz, leaving out the fact that there are decades between those performances of course. Unfortunately, nobody remembered, and there does not seem to be any history for the building that I can find. I did find old programs for NSJ, but nobody seems to know what the rooms used to be called.

Whether I can say I share the stage with anybody or not, it was cool to be in The Hague for this conference.

AppSource Test Drive

Everybody knows about AppSource by now. Everybody is also struggling how to make AppSource work for them, and especially how to provide customers and prospects a trial of their functionality. You could create a sandbox environment and try things out in there, but that doesn’t have test data that is specific for your product. You could install the product into a production tenant, but then you have an app in there that you might not want after all.

One of the lesser known features of AppSource is the Test Drive. This feature provides an ISV partner a completely isolated trial experience  of their product, in an environment that is completely in their control. What’s even better is that the Test Drive can be done in a number of different ways, so you can tailor it exactly to your requirements.

The Test Drive can be a part of a comprehensive marketing strategy, in which you can implement an environment that can showcase even the most complex features of your software, in a way that provides ample opportunity to your customers to learn how to use your product in a non-production environment that is still in the cloud, without having to get a team of consultants onsite.

The way that it works is essentially that the Test Drive is a standalone tenant that has a template company. This template company has your product already installed, and it has proper test data already populated. You can create all the data that you need for your product to run properly. Then, through the SaaSification techniques, you would implement a path into the features of your product, taking the user into your product one step at a time.

If you are interested in providing a Test Drive, please watch this video, in which I go into some more detail about this feature.

To find out more about the test drive, and other information about apps for Business Central, visit

Business Central on YouTube

Today is a Very Big Day! Allow me to tell you why 🙂

Maybe you remember a few months ago, when I posted some ‘how do I’ videos, I also mentioned that I was working on hours and hours of training material for Business Central. To make a long story short: my company was commissioned to create a long list of technical training videos. Originally, those videos would be published in the Dynamics Learning Portal (DLP). For those of you that don’t know, the DLP is a website where you can find a ton of training resources for a variety of Microsoft Dynamics products, including NAV and Business Central. There are a few caveats about DLP: not only is it inside PartnerPortal, you have to pay extra to get access to it. Partners who don’t pay this extra fee do not get access to DLP.

As soon as I started working on these training videos, I started mentioning how cool it would be to have these videos available for a wider audience, and every chance I got I would repeat that to anybody who would listen. At some point the decision was made to lift these videos from behind the paywall. They would still be inside DLP, but anyone with PartnerSource access would be able to see them. I was still not happy with that, after all PartnerSource is not free.

Now, exactly how much influence I have over these types of decisions is up for debate, but I do know that I recorded these videos, I had daily status calls with people from Microsoft, and I mentioned it to everyone that it would be great to make ALL of these videos available to the public.

So, the reason why I am so excited, is that I am very proud to be able to share that as of today, there is a separate channel for Business Central on YouTube, and the first thing that was published is a playlist with ALL of the technical training videos that are currently available. That’s right, the entire list of videos that are currently in the Business Central YouTube channel are recorded by ME!!

We still have more videos to create, and they should be added to the playlist as I finish them. At some point I’m expecting Microsoft to add more content to this channel, so it won’t be just me on there, but for now I am almost giddy with excitement.

Now like I said I don’t know just how much my insistence has played a part in this, but when I first started with this project the only plan was to publish these videos to DLP. In my mind I single-handedly convinced Microsoft to release all this great content to the public.

Inspire 2018 Recap

One of the cool things about the Microsoft Inspire event is that IT. IS. HUUUUGE! One of the most annoying things about Inspire is that it is HUUUGE! It is so easy to get lost among the 10,000 or so attendees that are milling about, going to sessions across a bunch of floors, walking around the immense expo floor with what seems to be thousands upon thousands of vendors peddling their wares.

The best part about this event was that it was in Vegas. Not that I particularly enjoy Vegas, but it is a drive away from my house. This means that I got to leave at a convenient time, drive my own car, and bring a guitar with me so that I can play in my hotel room.

Two of my partners made the trip from Europe, and we had a bunch of meetings scheduled with some potential and existing customers. It is always nice to spend some time with them, we had great food, saw some cool things. I was looking forward to going to the Bruno Mars concert at the big event, but the night in question was hotter than hell, and there was no way I was going to go out in that temperature. Bruno will have to wait to have me in his audience at a later date 🙂

So…. what was the buzz around Inspire this year? For me it was a further crystallization of Microsoft’s digital transformation strategy. The marketing heads have come up with something called ‘Intelligent Edge’ which is a way to categorize everything into a big connected amalgamation of connected technologies. There were many slides about machine learning, AI, a BIG emphasis on Azure. All of this with unlimited scalability in the Microsoft Cloud, which comes with an incremental subscription fee of course.

Microsoft seems to realize that they need the partner channel to do most of the selling for them, so the way they organize that has gone through some further evolving. It’s still very shortly after the event so I haven’t had much time to let this stew and find some good resources. I’m actually not sure if I will have much time for that anyway. I am knee deep in working on hours of new training material that needs to be finished before the next event, so we’ll see if I get to do some research on all of this.

For me, I like to dive a little deeper into specific topics. Inspire is a bit overwhelming for me, and it is an extremely expensive event to boot. We’ve been to Inspire two years in a row, and if we’ll come back next year (which I doubt) we will probably just get a room near the conference and use the event as a means to be in one place with our customers and Microsoft people.

Image: a slide showing the Intelligent Edge

Ready To Go

I’m on my way home from a bucket list kind of trip this past week. This post is more than just a travel log, I’ll get to a good link that you will be able to use to get Ready to Go for Business Central. Bear with me and let me tell the story of my trip 🙂

Through my work I’ve had the opportunity to travel pretty much to the opposite side of the globe to teach the CRS workshop for developing extensions for Business Central with VSCode. The first 2 day workshop was in Hong Kong on Monday and Tuesday, and then Thurday and Friday I hosted the same workshop in Manila. To have some time for sightseeing I arrived in Hong Kong on Saturday early morning. My hotel was on Hong Kong Island, and I spent the day mostly walking around the area near the hotel. It was a very long trip, and I had a looooong night sleep to recover from the journey.

On my flight over, I was a little too vigorous trying to clean the keyboard on my laptop, and it stopped working. As I kind of need a keyboard for the workshop, part of my Sunday sightseeing was to roam the city in search of an external keyboard, which fortunately I found. It’s an unusual souvenir, but I am actually typing this on a keyboard with Chinese characters.

Instead of my original plan to take a ferry across the harbor and find some of the famous food places, I stayed around town on the island. There was an awesome dragon boat race, and I took the trolley up to Victoria Peak, which is where I took the picture at the top of this post. It was fantastic to be in Hong Kong, the people were very hospitable, I really hope I get the chance to go back there some day and spend some serious time exploring the area there.

These workshops are part of a program called ‘Ready to Go’, which was created to help the Microsoft partner channel build the skills that are necessary to succeed in the new ecosystem for Business Central. I’ll post something with more details probably in a few days, and go into a little more detail then, but the link that you want to jot down is On this page, you will find a ton of good content, and even more links to other places with even more content. This link can be your starting point for any information that you might need to succeed.

The workshops were a success, and I’ve received lots of positive feedback. It was a pleasure visiting these two places, and I hope to go back there one day. These are people that are Ready to Go!

NAV Techdays 2018 – I’m Speaking!

Registration for NAV Techdays 2018 is open, and this year is going to be SUPER exciting for me, because I am going to teach an all-day pre-conference workshop! Go to the sessions overview page of the NAV Techdays website to see the details of all of the sessions and the pre-conference workshops. Of course I would LOVE it if you sign up for my workshop, but really you can’t go wrong with any of them.

My workshop is called “A Day in the Life of a Business Central Developer”. I still need to put the material together, but the plan is to cover all aspects of what it means to be a developer for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Think about the development environment, how to create an app, how to create multiple apps with dependencies (an extension of another extension), how to connect to web services, how to use source control, and even design patterns and Docker.

I realize that it is a very ambitious agenda, but I am sure that we can fill a whole day with great content. I’m not sure if there will be much time to do any extensive lab work, so I might end up just teaching all day and giving you some things to take home and work on after the workshop is done.

Most importantly – go register for NAV Techdays, it is really THE premium event for our industry. Spend an extra couple of days in Antwerpen for the pre-conference workshops, they are all fantastic and worth every penny.

See you in Antwerpen in November!