Containers Are Now Multi Tenant

Containers are now multi-tenant by default. The New-NavContainer Cmdlet has had a “-multitenant” parameter for a while now, it’s just that not specifying a value for this parameter now means that you get a multi-tenant container. Presumably this is because multi-tenancy is the default for SaaS, and should be for everything. Maybe this was implemented with the switch from NavContainerHelper to BcContainerHelper and I just didn’t pay attention to the details.

The way that I discovered this was that I was working on a training about the BC API, and I had learned that to get to the tenant, you specify it by its ID in the endpoint, like this: https://container:7048/BC/v2.0/[tenant]/[environment]/api/v1.0

Adding “?tenant=default” worked but I was curious whether including the tenantId in the URL was supposed to work in containers. Hint: it is NOT supposed to work that way, at least not based on the replies that I got from Twitter

As I was working through these issues I had created a new container, and instead of removing it, I had set the -multitenant parameter to true and didn’t think of it again until I was working on another project. New container, different script, this time without the -multitenant parameter.

To make a long story short…. I was expecting my container NOT to be multi-tenant, and was annoyed to see that my Postman scripts (the version without specifying the tenant) did not work anymore. It took me WAY too long to discover what the issue was, but there you have it 🙂

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