Use SystemId

If you’re like me, and you use the ‘Page Inspector’ a lot, you have undoubtedly scrolled all the way down, and noticed this group of fields at the bottom. One of those fields is called ‘SystemId’. Today’s post describes some of the important things that you need to know about this field.

The Basics

Toward the end of the ‘NAV’ era, you may have noticed a field called ‘id’ in a lot of tables. This field was meant to have a single-field unique attribute for each record in the database. The original purpose was to provide a more industry standard way to get to records from a webservice, and it was implemented as an actual field of each table for which such functionality was provided.

In BC, the ‘id’ field has been obsoleted and replaced by a new system field called “$systemId”, an attribute that is assigned at the system level. The logic that assigns the values is not accessible to us, it all happens behind the scenes. You can read more about the field itself in Docs.

Some important things to remember:

  • Each SystemId value is unique, you will never see any SystemId value repeat across any table. You could cheat the system and manually assign a value to the field, but if you let BC assign its value it will always be unique
  • Its value cannot be renamed. Unlike PK fields in the database, the SystemId is not editable

So How Does It Work?

You will not see the SystemId as a field anywhere. Drill down into a table’s design and it is not there as a field. You can see the value when using the Page Inspector, but none of the pages have the field visible to the user. That would be pointless, because the SystemId does not have a functional purpose. It’s just a random GUID value that holds no meaning. However, EVERY table has a SystemId field, and since its value is always unique, you could theoretically use the field as its primary key.

You can leave the field alone altogether and just continue using the regular PK fields, and BC will automatically take care of the SystemId. If you are just using or developing ‘normal’ functionality, you will probably never even be aware of the presence of the SystemId.

One really handy thing though is that this is a single field unique value! You could capture a tablerelationship in a single field regardless of the target table’s primary key! You could link to the Sales Line’s SystemId field with a single field foreign key, and not have to worry about document type or line number. All you need to do is store the SystemId as a GUID field, with a tablerelationship to the target table’s SystemId field.

To retrieve a record using its SystemId, you use the GetBySystemId method instead of the regular Get method that you are used to.

How Is It Used?

The main purpose of the SystemId is to facilitate the API. The BC API endpoints are formatted in such a way that you specify the systemId as the unique value for the record that you want to retrieve. Yes you can still do a filter on the PK fields, but the standard way to get a particular record from an API endpoint is to provide its SystemId field value. When posting a new record, the response will return the new record’s SystemId.

You can look at a bunch of tables that are part of the API and see that a lot of tables have new fields for these SystemId fields. Take for instance the Customer table. You can see a bunch of new fields like “Currency Id” and “Payment Terms Id” with logic in OnValidate to update the ‘normal’ fields that are all still there. The new SystemId fields do not replace the existing related fields, they live side by side.

Still Confused

Yes it is still confusing, well maybe ‘cumbersome’ is a better word. The mechanism is fairly straightforward , but it has not made our job easier. Not every tablerelationship has been updated with the SystemId, and where you do see those ‘new’ ones, there is a double field relationship that has to be maintained with validation code. Especially when you need to expand standard APIs, you will have to create those additional SystemId fields on top of existing foreign key fields to ensure data integrity.

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